Importance du Sahaj Marg

dimanche 7 octobre 2007

Comment la vie devient un enfer ?

« Au Danemark, en particulier, les gens parlent tellement de Babuji Maharaj, vous voyez que nous nous attendons à ce qu'il y ait de bons résultats ici (...) Et pourtant, il ne semble pas y avoir de résultats dans ce pays (...) Pour l'amour du ciel, réveillez-vous et mettez-vous au travail ! » Discours aux précepteurs - Vrads Sande (Danemark) - 19/09/1998

« The divine plan can only be realised by human effort (...) In 1972 I travelled with Babuji to the US. After three weeks there were 76 abhyasis but until 1984 it was arround the same number. What does this show ? Nobody worked. But today we have three thousand. Only work produces results, God works only through human beings.» Discours au Danemark (10/08/2000)

Un précepteur anglais rapporte son expérience et ses sentiments suite à un Séminaire à Manchester les 12 et 13/03/1999 : « We watched Chariji's speech to preceptors in India, 01 October 1996 on video. Chariji said preceptors don't work enough. By not working we are really insulting Babuji and his plans. We were sad after the video.» Natural Way (Automne 2000)

Chari, dans un discours à l'ashram de Mysore (Karnataka, Inde), le 16 février 2004, exhorte ses adeptes à se réveiller : « (…) Karnataka has been very slow in developing in Sahaj Marg (…) there is too much tendency to stay at home and wait for everything to come to our house (…) I know many houses where the father is the abhyasi, not the wife, not children, and for twenty years they don't change. If a man cannot influence his own wife to start Sahaj Marg, who else is he going to influence? I know wives are very difficult to manage, but that is female nature, you see, and we are here to change nature by starting with our own family first (…) So, people of Karnataka, please awake.» Même chose à Bangalore le 26 septembre suivant : « (…) Karnataka is a big state. Why is it not growing ? (…) But no growth (…) Karnataka is a sleepy state (…) If you sleep, you have to be woken up. »

Lors d'un meeting des précepteurs à Chennai (17/07/2004), Chari s'adresse à eux : « (…)we were talking (…) about preceptors, their responsibilities, their work or lack of it (…) I receive letters from abhyasis, from preceptors, and they tend to dramatise this business of being a preceptor out of all proportion to what it really involves in our life. Either they suffer from guilt because they don't do the work that is assigned to them that goes with being a preceptor (…).and sometimes they are also angry, annoyed, desperate (…).»

"(…) I really didn't expect to come back to the USA again, because I was pretty depressed about the general situation. Not of the economy, not of the politics, not of the country, you know, but of the abhyasis of the Mission. (…) It had become something of a routine, you know (…). That was one reason why I wasn't travelling abroad for the last three years out of India. (…) the people of India yet come to spirituality. So, like my old job in my company, where I was a marketing man - I had good markets, bad markets and markets which were okay. (…) And the temptation was always to go to the good market first (…) marketing management dictates that you should give more time to those markets which are not so profitable or productive. (…) So I have been concentrating on India for the last three years, and I am very happy to say that, if you think in terms of statistics, probably we've had three hundred percent growth in the last three years in India. We've had so many new ashrams coming up, big ashrams coming up, housing projects coming up, abhyasis coming in droves, you know (…). And it is good. (…) I don't have a conscience at all - it's a question of work. I don't judge myself, I only do my work and leave the result to him. (…) And here I am. (…) I'm really happy to see more native Americans this time in the Mission than I have ever seen before. (…) I want to see an enormous audience of Americans here. I don't want to see less of Indians; I want to see more of Americans. More and more Indians, much more and more of Americans, and these halls should become too small for us." - Extraits de "I only do My Work", discours de Chari à San Jose (CA, USA) le 10/08/2003

Au lieu de vivre dans la sérénité qui lui était promise, le précepteur sombre dans l'angoisse de déplaire au Maître, de ne jamais en faire suffisamment pour mériter son affection. Un mal-être permanent soigneusement entretenu par Chari...