Importance du Sahaj Marg

dimanche 7 octobre 2007

Etats-Unis d'Amérique

(Dernière actualisation le 21 septembre 2009)

Estimations :

  • Effectifs : 3 à 4 000 abhyasis (4 000 en Europe de l'ouest)
  • Precepteurs : 234 en 2007, 180 en 2004, 86 en 1995
  • Croissance : 14% (8% dans le monde sur 1995-2007)
  • Pénétration : 10 à 15 abhyasis par million d'habitants (15 à 20 en Europe de l'ouest)
  • 4 Ashrams , 1 Centre de retraite

La SRCM s'est implantée en 1972, mais elle a végété jusqu'en 1984. Depuis, elle a mis les bouchées doubles pour constituer aujourd'hui la première communauté abhyasie après l'Inde, mais il semble que plus de la moitié est d'origine indienne. En 1995, la moitié des précepteurs étaient d'origine indienne, aujourd'hui c'est deux tiers des nouveaux venus.

Démarrée au coeur de la Géorgie, la communauté est aujourd'hui présente essentiellement dans la Silicon Valley californienne, l'Ohio et le Texas, soit plus du tiers des abhyasis.

A propos du Séminaire de Cleveland 2008

"Ici et maintenant... ou Jamais !" Un Grand Séminaire international pour l'anniversaire de Babuji , prévu par Chari et avec Chari !

Capacité d'accueil du site : 10 000 personnes
Objectif SRCM en janvier : 5000
Inscrits au 1er avril 2008 : 2 000 abhyasis, enfants compris !

"Ici et maintenant… ou jamais" s'est transformé en "jamais, plus jamais" depuis que Chari a annulé sa visite pour raisons de santé.

Du coup, on pouvait s'inscrire jusqu'au dernier moment. Et en lieu et place de Papa, c'est P.R. Krishna qui s'y est collé ! Il faut dire que, raison de santé ou pas, Chari avait la bougeotte puisque pendant ce temps, il fêtait de son côté l'anniversaire de Babuji à Moscou, au cours d'une tournée de plus de 2 mois qui l'emmêne à Dubaï, Moscou, Minsk, Riga, Milan, Nice, Grenoble, Montpellier, Figueres, Toulouse, Paris, Brême, Vrads, Berlin, Budapest, Timisoara, Vienne et de nouveau Dubaï.

Donc finalement, il a annulé Cleveland pour mieux se rendre à Moscou. Sympa pour les abhyasis des Amériques, gageons qu'ils sauront apprécier l'événement à sa juste valeur !
Normal, ils doivent obéir sans chercher à comprendre. Les voies du maître sont impénétrables…

Telles sont les décisions de Chari. "Ici et maintenant… ou jamais", le slogan de Cleveland 2008, s'est donc bel et bien transformé en "Jamais, plus jamais".

Faut vraiment avoir la foi pour accepter de tels revirements…

Citations d'Archives

« The divine plan can only be realised by human effort (...) In 1972 I travelled with Babuji to the US. After three weeks there were 76 abhyasis but until 1984 it was arround the same number. What does this show ? Nobody worked. But today we have three thousand. Only work produces results, God works only through human beings.» Discours au Danemark (10/08/2000)

"(…) non-stop travel to the West commencing in 1985 (…). In 1986 we had our first national seminar in New Jersey. In August 1987 we celebrated Rev. Master's 60th birth anniversary in double K Ranch, near Seattle, Washington. During that celebration (…) [He] accompanied by Chinu Sreenivasan on one side and me [Victor Kannan] to the left hand of Him.(…) Master said, it will be nice to have a place like this for an Ashram (…) the ashram land was dedicated on September 18, 1988 (…) So, this ashram was His idea. The place selection was His idea. The care takers were chosen by Him (...)", Victor Kannan in Point of Light- Quaterly Nawsletter of the Molena Retreat center, USA (10/10/07)

"(…)[Mission] is not serving the local Native American population (…) Of course, it exists to serve the Indians, too, but it is not an Indian Mission." - Discours à Dayton -OH - USA, le 29/07/2003

"(…) I really didn't expect to come back to the USA again, because I was pretty depressed about the general situation. Not of the economy, not of the politics, not of the country, you know, but of the abhyasis of the Mission. (…) I'm really happy to see more native Americans this time in the Mission than I have ever seen before. (…) I want to see an enormous audience of Americans here. I don't want to see less of Indians; I want to see more of Americans. More and more Indians, much more and more of Americans, and these halls should become too small for us." - Extraits de "I only do My Work", discours de Chari à San Jose (CA, USA) le 10/08/2003

"I am very happy that this meeting, and what I have heard here from the various people responsible for the Mission in Canada, the USA, in South America, has given my dying flame of hope in my heart a revival. It is as if a long night of stagnation has ended in these countries, and we will see the sun rise and grow stronger and stronger over a few years before it attains a full strength. I remember with some regret that many years ago there were more than three thousand abhyasis in the U.S. We have actually slipped to about eleven hundred, I think, and we are now on a fresh wave of growth. And I am happy that Girish said we have about three thousand abhyasis back again on the slate. But that is where we were ten, twelve years ago, and now begins the growth, shall we say, wave. And all that is necessary is not hard work, is nothing very special about it. All that is necessary is co-operation. (…) I suggest that you adopt a wolf as a symbol for your growth. (…) You know, in America numbers are what we talk about all the time. Bottom line. Numbers. Santosh can tell you more about it than I can. I want to see numbers. (…) And you know, we are not a commercial organization, we are not in this to convert people, we are not in this to make money. We are here to bring nice, cool, potable water of life to the people of the Americas. And I hope they will respond. But it is your job to see that they are thirsty. Pick out the thirsty ones." Discours du 23/07/2007 à Tiruppur - India, aux abhyasis américains (The water of life)

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